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Hearthstone access

title:Hearthstone access
download page:No link!
genre:Strategy Games
developer:Guide dev
release:august, 2021
features:text, sound, visuals
last edit by:Dark


Hearthstone is a very extensive and well known strategic collectable card game produced by Blizzard entertainment. Set in the same universe as their popular graphical mmorpg world of warcraft, the game involves duels between heroes of different classes such as hunter, druid, mage or warrior, who summon monsters onto the battlefield to attack their opponent, or each other. From completing quests, winning online battles, or even purchases' from Blizard entertainment themselves, players earn packs of new cards, which they can use to create their own powerful decs to engage in online battles, raising their rank, and competing in tournaments., .

Hearth stone access, is a fantastic project by developer Guide dev, to create an NVDA friendly, and fully accessible interface, detailing all of the cards drawn, the actions taken by you and your opponent, the creatures on the battlefield, and even many of the games menus including deck building, card crafting, and the difficult single player battles in the book of heroes.

Installation is a slightly more involved process, since it requires creating an account with Blizard entertainment, then downloading Hearthstone access and patching the game, however extensive instructions are provided on the above site, along with a list of keyboard shortcuts.

Fortunately, learning to play hearthstone isn't a problem, since the game itself has a (rather hilarious), tutorial mode, giving you six battles as the aspiring young mage Jaina Proudmoore, which will teach you all of the game's basics, summoning monsters, accumulating mana each turn, drawing cards, causing status effects, and of course attacking your opponent and their monsters.

So far, though much of the game is accessible, including online play, most of the book of heroes and classic decs and ranked matches.

The mod also gives access to the battlegrounds mode, where dec building and card battles give way to quick, eight player tournaments of strategic combat, where players must hire minions, use gold to upgrade their tavern, and engage in quick, brutal combat bouts against each other until only one out of eight heroes is left standing as victor; though fortunately like the main collectable card game mode, there is a tutorial to teach you the rules of the game.

At the moment, the more modern mercenaries mode isn't accessible (though this might well change in the future). However, for those who don't mind a bit of complexity and make use of NVDA's golden curser addon, some extra golden curser scripts have been created to give access to other modes of the game as well, find links to download them in the documentation. Similarly, though the initial release was entirely in English, users have contributed translations of the game into Polish, European Spanish, Mexican Spanish, Brazilian Portuguese, Chinese, Thai, French, German and Korean.

Though Blizard entertainment sell packs of cards or other rare rewards for the game, Hearthstone is entirely free to play, just as Hearthstone access is also entirely free.

For those who have wanted a mainstream gaming experience. hearthstone has it all. High quality sounds and voice acting for each and every card and hero, complete graphics (considering it is actually a mainstream game), and with the chance to complete on an equal playing field with thousands of players from around the world, Hearthstone access, is also itself a mile stone in access, and thus is highly recommended.


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