Html Tads
title: | Html Tads |
url: | No link! |
download page: | link |
license: | freeware |
genre: | Interactive fiction interpreter |
developer: | Mike roberts |
platform: | Windows |
release: | September 2008 |
features: | text |
last edit by: | Dark |
Html Tads is an interpreter for running and playing interactive fiction games (otherwise known as text adventures), written in Tads, Tads2, or Tads3 format in windows. While several interpreters exist for Tads games, Html Tads has proved to be one of the best for reading the text and running games using both hal and jaws, sinse it displays the text in a similar way to a web page using standard windows menues.
With hal, it also has the bennifit that after reading the in coming text with the virtual focus, when switching to live focus the curser is in the correct position to write the next text command to the game, and also, after writing the command, it's only neccessary to switch back to virtual focus and press down arrow a few times to read up on the results of your command.
You can Go here for a list of Tads games and Here for a list of Tads3 games both lists contain links to pages for each game, which contain reviews, descriptions and solution files (if available).
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Updates: entry 2 Feb 22 and description 2 Feb 22