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ESP WhoopAss

title:ESP WhoopAss
download page:link
genre:Arcade Games
developer:Draconis Entertainment
last edit by:Dark


Submitted by Paul Erkens :

"ESP Whoopass is a boxing game, based on the ESP Pinball game. Mr. Whoopass is the barman in the Silver Dollar Saloon and you like visiting this saloon, although Mr. Whoopass does not really contribute to the nice atmosphere. Maybe it's time to teach him a lesson!

When the game starts you will enter the Silver Dollar Saloon. The action begins after you hear him say "I'm gonna have to open up a can of Whoopass on you now." He hits you either left, right in the face (center) or right. What you have to do is block his attack there and strike back in a position you didn't block.

I.e.: if he hits you left, you must block him there by pressing the left shift key and immediately strike him back by hitting him in the center (space bar), or on the right side (right shift key). He punshes back at you (left side, center or right), you block him there and strike back in another position. Scores are spoken to you and when you miss just once, the game is over. Detailed instructions will appear in the program group in the windows start menu for you to read before you start playing and there's a shortcut on the desktop to start playing immediately."

Version Update: A new version of the installation file has been built. This fixes a bug concerning the ESP WhoopAss Instructions shortcut in the WhoopAss program group. If you do plan to reinstall it, it is strongly recommend uninstalling the original version first.

To find out more about Draconis and their games, see The draconis page on the Audiogames archive site.


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Updates: entry 2 Feb 22 and description 2 Feb 22

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