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Talking Maze Game

title:Talking Maze Game
download page:link
genre:Puzzle Games
developer:Rwf talking software
last edit by:Dark


This is a symple audio maze game of memory. The object is to use the arrow keys to walk through the maze, running into as few walls as possible. this requires going through each maze a number of times to remember the correct directions, and so avoid runing into walls and wracking up a high score.

Each maze has a minimum "par" ie, the number of times it's permitted to hit the walls and stil pass the maze, though just as in golf, the ultimate score is gained by completing the maze in as much under par as possible, ---- ie, staying off the walls.

the game provides speech output, and has afew sound effects such as a clang when you hit walls, and footsteps which it is necessary to count when memorizing the correct sequences of steps to go through the mazes, ---- of which the program contains hundreds, plus a maze editer so that you can create your own mazes and share them with others.

Many functions in the game either have hotkeys, ---- for instance ctrl F1 to start the first maze, though the program also features standard windows menus which both list the short cuts and offer access to all the in game functions.

Other important features of the program include the ability to show the maze graphically (though since there is no animated character challenge also exists for sighted players even while viewing the graphical maze), the ability to review high scores, and the ability to skip back and forward through the mazes.

One of the nicest features of this program in fact is it's ability to immediately and instantly save all your progress to the game, so when you restart the program, you can immediately continue without even the need to load a save file.

this game might be used as a mobility training program to encourage spacial memory and correct understanding of routes, sinse the lack of land marks, audio kews or even the ability to speak coordinates make correctly going through the mazes and avoiding the walls an unusually difficult task.

Thanks go to Matheus of the audeasy list for providing more information about this game.


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