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genre:Role Playing Games
developer:BPC Programs
platform:Windows, Dos, FSNotetaker
last edit by:Dark


Tournament is a turn based strategical combat game based around some of the principles of a beat em up.

When two powerful martial arts masters Humus and Zagreus clash in a war which destroys a city, it's up to one of their various students and minions to fight his/her way to the enemy general and take him out. This is done in a variety of turn based batles choosing different martial arts moves, then heading to the store betwene fights to pick up items like weapons, potions, armour, strength and health replenishments and a death ring which is needed to defeat the enemy leader.

Borrowing some characters from such famous mainstream beat em ups as streets of rage, streetfighter 2 and Mortal combat, ---- with attended music, this is a great game for anyone who likes a streight up slug fest.

The above version is the windows version, but included in the same package is the older version 3, which will run under dos and on fs note takers.

Though Bpc programs is no longer around, the above links go to the Bpc page on the great audio archive site which now hosts a copy of the game.


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Updates: entry 2 Feb 22 and description 2 Feb 22

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