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The Last Crusade

title:The Last Crusade
download page:link
genre:Role Playing Games
developer:Patrick Dwyer & Peter S. VanLund
platform:Windows XP
last edit by:Dark


The Last Crusade was a role playing game developed using an Rpg game engine which was intended to allow users the ability to create their own rpg audio games. Here is a small introduction:

"In a time of great despair, King Vaisara called for the finest warriors of the land. He sent them on a dangerous journey. Their mission was to kill the evil King Lasarus. None of those warriors have returned. It is now, in the darkest hour of the Vaisara Kingdom, that King Lasarus must be stopped. King Vaisara has requested that you bring peace back to this kingdom. Your journey will begin in the village of Cascata. Travel through the graveyard and reach Castle Lasarus. There you must kill King Lasarus. The fate of the Vaisara Kingdom is in your hands."

The game consists of three levels (The Village of Cascata, The Graveyard and The Castle). You are a character moving in a world fighting creatures, meeting friends, and getting items such as weapons and armor to increase your attributes. 

Though the last crusade itself is a fully functioning and accessible audio game, the rpg engine, though reputedly symplistic to use, was unfortunately not at all accessible to screen readers, and thus far, know other games were developed using it. Sinse however the original rpg game engine did come with source code, Damien sadler of x-site interactive is not only hosting the original last-crusade game, but also intends to try and make the rpg game engine accessible so that people can create their own rpg games in the style of the last crusade.



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